Ken Zen Ichii Karate Association USA

Ken Zen Ichii Karate


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Japanese Names

Kihon no kata   Basic form, taught first to all students

Shuuren  (shoo ren)      To practice rigorously, self-disciplined, with a moral frame of mind.
Mr. Bee believed that we must always return to basics to advance our learning. So we renamed Kihon no kata modified, the basic form, to Shurren.  Exercising the self-discipline to continue to rigorously practicing the basic form with a moral frame of mind throughout the years of karate practice, we come closer to learning the true meaning of Karate Do.

Pinan    (pee nan)  Pinan means peaceful mind, spirit.
The name of the 5 basic Wado forms taught in Ken Zen Ichii Ryu Karate.

Kioi   (kee oy)         To have a fighting spirit.                   
Mr. Bee designed the modified Wado Pinan forms to be true combat-oriented, actual fighting forms.  We therefore use the prefix Kioi for each modified kata.  Thus Kioi Shodan is Fighting Spirit Form Number One, and so on, up to Kioi Godan.

Senkai   (sen kie)     To revolve, to circle around             
Mr. Bee developed the revolving form for Ken Zen Ichii Karate to incorporate many of the moves he felt were left out of most traditional forms. This is the only form that we know of that he developed from beginning to end. A lot of time and thought went into this form before he showed it to any student.

Naihanchi  (nie han chee)  translates to 'internal divided conflict'

Kushanku   (koo shan koo)  The name is taken from a Chinese military attaché, Kung Hsiang Chung, who came to Okinawa and taught Kempo.

Chinto  (chin toe) According to the legend Chinto was named after a Chinese sailor who washed ashore on Okinawa and taught Kempo to the people there.

Sanchin  (san chin) The Three Battles, representing a quest of  mastery over Mind, Body and Spirit.