Ken Zen Ichii Karate Association USA

Ken Zen Ichii Karate


Blocks are the first moves that a student learns because Karate is primarily an art of self defense. The basic pattern taught is the left arm defends the left side of the body, and the right arm defends the right side.

The RISING BLOCK (Jodan-Uke) starts from a ready position, right fist to the center of the body, left elbow on top.  Allow the left fist to travel straight up turning the palm out and to the right as it passes the forehead. The block stops with the center of the arm one fist distance from the center of forehead and angled up at 45 degrees. This angle allows for the strike being blocked to follow the arm down and away from the body.

Jodan Uke rising block

Rising Block

The DOWNWARD BLOCK  (Gedan Barai) like the rising block starts from the ready position, right fist to the center of the body, left elbow on top.  Let the left fist fall forward and when it passes the belt, snap the fist over so the palm is down and the thumb is to center of thigh. This places  the edge of the fist just beyond the leg and allows the strike being blocked to pass without hitting the body.

Downward Block

The KNIFE HAND BLOCK (Shuto-Uke) is usually practiced from a cat stance position. The right arm is positioned across the body, knife hand palm down. The left arm is positioned with the knife hand covering the right ear, palm in. The left knife hand snaps out and rotates to palm out at the edge of the body as the right knife hand is drawn into the center of the chest, palm up.

Knife Hand Block

The OUTSIDE BLOCK (Soto-Uke) begins from a ready position where the left arm moves to a “L” position, at the side of the left shoulder, the fist palm out. The arm snaps around to the front of the body, turning the left palm in and dropping the fist to chin level. The dropping and snapping of the arm is designed to push the strike down and away from the body.

Outside Block

The INSIDE BLOCK  (Uchi-Uke) starts from a ready position where the  left elbow is out to the side and the left fist is placed on the left hip. The left elbow snaps to the center of the body, and the fist to the front of the shoulder. This snap pushes the strike out and away from the body.


Inside Block